

Multiculturalism, Cult Archaeology, and Pseudoscience

Abstract: Aspects of Afrocentrism have great similarity to cult archaeology and scientific creationism as described previously in this volume. This chapter will briefly describe some Afrocentric claims and discuss why they are erroneous. It will also describe the similarity of the authors’ techniques, methods, and motivations to those of “scientific” creationists and cult archaeologists and propose some reasons for why these claims persist and spread.

Fingerprints of the Gods: A Review

Graham Hancock maintains that the world’s ancient civilizations inherited their culture and knowledge from a now forgotten “hypothetical third party”, rather than developed independently. As he puts it, “our species could have been afflicted with some terrible amnesia and … the dark period so blithely and dismissively referred to as ‘prehistory might turn out to conceal unimagined truths about our own past”